Summer break is officially here. School is out and soon enough our kids will be saying those famous words, “I’m bored.” This summer as a SAHM I decided to come up with my own list with my two older Daughters help. Before we knew had already had over fifty ideas for all of us to do as a family and for them to do to keep busy.
Most of these ideas are pretty simple. A few would be great to maybe even make a weekend trip or a day trip. Some are education. A few may even get those smart brains rolling inside along with their creativeness. Of course You cannot forget to add in some kindness and volunteer. Feel free to print this off.[ I do not have a PDF of the bucket list yet.]
- Go to the beach
- Visit your local library and check out books
- Visit your local library for story time
- Visit your local library for craft time
- Go out for ice-cream with family
- Go to the beach
- Go to the local zoo
- Go to the park
- Go to a park you have not been to yet
- Go to a water park
- Go to a local pool.
- Have a play date with a friend
- Have a sleepover with a best friend
- Catch bufferflys
- Make homemade ice-cream
- Have a campfire in the backyard
- Go camping
- Go for a family walk
- Visit with your cousins
- Go to a 4TH of July parade
- Go to a movie in a movie theater
- Play outside with your neighbors
- Go for a bike ride
- Have a lemonade stand sale
- Play chalk art
- Make homemade bubbles and blow bubbles
- Go on a nature hike
- Go on a scavenge hunt
- Paint rocks
- Visit a farmers market
- Plant a garden and watch it grow
- Make a fairy garden
- Go fishing with Dad or Mom
- Fly a kite on a windy day
- Have a cook out
- Go geo-caching
- Have a water balloon fight
- Go apple picking
- Go blueberry picking
- Go strawberry picking
- Catch fireflies
- Go on a picnic
- Have a movie in the backyard
- Have a garage sale
- Work as a family at your local kids food basket
- Volunteer
- Have a family game night
- Drive out to the country
- Camp in your backyard
- Play in the sprinkler
- Read as a family
- Dance in the rain
- Make crafts
- Paint
- Build a sand castle
- Attend a summer camp
- Write a summer journal
- Watch the sunset
- Attend a bible camp
- Watch fireworks
- Take a walk on the beach
- Look at the stars
- Write a letter to a friend
What does your family love doing now that it is summer break? Is it something you do every summer?